Article Published: Getting to the <3 of Things: How Game Feedback Enables Failure for Learning- Journal of Applied Instructional Design

Abstract: Failure in serious games and its implications for scaffolding learning towards exploration remain understudied. We hypothesize providing more opportunities for safe failure leads to higher retention of concepts. Our case study examines the difference between including extra lives into a prototype serious game for geography through a quasi-experimental design that captured learning outcomes and …

Article Published! At What Cost? Missouri Librarians and the Struggle for Intellectual Freedom- The Reference Librarian

Latest article, a pilot study on the impact that intellectual freedom challenges is having on Missouri public librarians. This trend in stigmatizing library workers is not good, and we need to make it stop. These folks are my colleagues and friends, who work everyday to provide access to information and resources for their community. We, …

Missouri Legislature Hellworld Intellectual Freedom News Roundup

What is there to say about the MO House of Representatives voting to remove funding from Missouri Libraries? I have no doubt that MO-Reps already know all of this, but for those of you who are unaware, MLA and MASL receive no state funding. They are all-volunteer-run membership organizations working on behalf of professional librarians. …

Article Published: Players’ perceptions of sexuality and gender-inclusive video games a pragmatic content analysis of steam reviews

This is my first first-author article with Hyerim Cho and Hollis Moore. In this one we look at implications for user-centered analysis of Steam reviews in terms of gamers perceive and engage with sexual and gender identity in games. We do a random sample of reviews in 4 games- Night in the Woods, Undertale, Dream …

Panel Discussion- Banned, Challenged, Questioned, or Lost? Information Access and the Path to an Information-Resilient SocietyPanel Discussion- ASIS&T Midwest Regional Chapter

This panel brings together several brilliant folks to chat about the state of access in these fraught political times (especially as regards information resilience). I will be talking about book bans and local legislatures efforts to block access for historically marginalized populations among other topics. This panel will be on Halloween at 2 PM EST …